This was my view half our trip out here. Beautiful but bare and lonely. 

The goal of this blog/website is to allow those who are interested to see and understand a little of this crazy new part of our life as Mr and Mrs. New place, new jobs, new people, new way of life, new....everything. Not gonna lie, its a little too overwhelming at times and I wonder what I was thinking to leave paradise for a desert. Hind sight is always 20/20. If you would have asked me 3 months ago, would I miss TN, probably would have said "heck no!" See, already learned something about myself: I'm a homebody. You can take the girl outta the South, but you can't take the South outta the girl. 

Something even more important I've learned, something with eternal value, is that I am able to grasp how much this earth is not my home. For the first time, I know what it feels like. Just as much as this desolate little town is not my home, neither is TN. It makes it easier to think of leaving this place for my Heavenly home, than it was before. 

I'm excited to see how God uses L and I. I'm already seeing some. A few weeks ago, he started a Bible study with guys from work and their girlfriends/wives. To already see a response in wanting changed lives is such a blessing. This is huge because this town is definitely not in the Bible Belt. We are talking the Wild West, cowboys and indians, drugs and alcohol, and profanity might as well be a pronoun. This is rough country.

Prayer request of the day. week, month :: 
1. That L and I will continue to grow as a couple and in our relationships with God.
2. For the people. For a revival, revolution, whatever you want to call it, to break out from our new Bible study.